Runnig Fish Art Studio Logo

Runnig Fish Art Studio

Creative and exhibition space


Runnig Fish Art Studio is a creative space for artists Alicia de la Campa Pak, Sinecio Cuétara Menecia, Gabriel Antonio Cuétara de la Campa

Space for creative work and open exhibition space.

Running Fish Art Studio, is the name of the space where the creative and expositive work is developed, which is always open to diverse proposals and creative processes.

They are distinctive of the place, techniques of diaphanous spirit, subject to the artisan character, among them are, drawing, painting and engraving.

The "running fish" is the emblematic figure of the studio, because it agglutinates diverse forms and intellectual processes that are inserted in contemporary plastic creation.

A fish that runs is a resplendent image, endowed with a timeless mystery that imprints and emanates its origin from an ancestral and collective imaginary. Many of the works cite this chimerical specimen, using it recurrently.

Independent of the numerous meanings that can be attributed to the Fish as the main cosmic zoomorphic classifier, it can be said that this being is in itself a metaphor for our condition as island dwellers and at the same time, a symbol of life that transforms itself.

Art among many things deals with life and life is movement. Running Fish Art Studio is a space animated by the movement of life and creation, because the name of the studio emerges from the conjunction of these.


Espacio creativo desde y para el arte.

Foto de Alicia de la Campa Pak

Alicia de la Campa Pak

Foto de Sinecio Cuétara Menecia

Sinecio Cuétara Menecia

Foto de Gabriel Antonio Cuétara de la Campa

Gabriel Antonio Cuétara de la Campa


Calle Segunda # 560 B entre Ayestarán y Ayuntamiento. Plaza, La Habana, Cuba
(+53) 7 8798374